Tag: #powershell

[SP201x] Terminating runnning workflows with Powershell

After importing / restoring a site collection from a different environment, you might have the need to terminate all of the running workflows. For instance, to stop them from e-mailing people or firing off other events which should not be fired from within your local dev environment. Whatever reason you might have, here is a

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[SP2013] Recipe: one SP2013 development machine in Azure

When you are a developer who’s looking for an easy way to create a development machine, this is the post you want to read. Especially when you also have an MSDN subscription lying around somewhere. What we’re going to do is setup a ready to use developer box in Azure. This recipe will require approximately

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SP: Purging document libraries with Powershell

I wanted to purge the contents of a huge document library. Because of the 5000 item limit, using the GUI or explorer view wasn’t posssible any more. There are a couple of scripts out there which can help, based on the ProcessBatchData method to process batches of operations at once. This is often the best

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SP2010: Whoops! I mirrored all of my databases…

So you’re building a SharePoint farm which has to have a high percentage of availability. And to get that, you decide to make your databases highly available by the techniques offered by SQL Server. Think mirroring, or AlwaysOn if you’re using SQL2012. Which technique you’re using doesn’t really matter; you have to realise that this

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SP2010: Exporting site subscriptions in multi tenant setup

I created this little script I wanted to share, which loops though a web application; finds all site subscriptions (for multitenancy) and exports both the sites in there and the settings of the subscription. You could use the result to import the sites again into a test environment (for instance). $url = "http://contoso.com" $share =

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