Tag: #SharePoint

[SP20xx] Migrating HTM, HTML, MHT files to SharePoint

It seems this issue arises in almost every migration project: “Hey, we have a bunch of HTML based files which we’ve uploaded to SharePoint, but now they don’t work any more!”. With “don’t work”, usually it means the user is prompted to download the file instead of being able to just view it in the browser. So

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[SP2013] Modifying app package appmanifest.xml on deployment

When you’re writing provider hosted app, you probably know the procedure for publishing those. That procedure includes packaging the app package, which is an action Visual Studio will do for you. You enter your website URL, a client ID and you’re off. But what if you host your app on multiple locations having different URL’s?

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[SP201x] Terminating runnning workflows with Powershell

After importing / restoring a site collection from a different environment, you might have the need to terminate all of the running workflows. For instance, to stop them from e-mailing people or firing off other events which should not be fired from within your local dev environment. Whatever reason you might have, here is a

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[SP201x] Atos SharePoint Services

I rarely discuss the things we do at Atos here. This time I’m going to make an exception, to tell you about a pretty neat hosting service we offer to our customers. So yes, you might regard this post as an advertorial and yes; you may contact me for more information. If that’s not your

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[#SP2013] Host named site collections, ADFS claims and AAM

In my previous blog post I wrote about host named site collections in SharePoint 2013. As this is the recommended way to go according to Microsoft, you should definitely consider it for new SharePoint deployments. But with these URL’s bound to your site collections, you can get into trouble quickly. It’s important to get a

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[SP2013] Host named site collections

With SharePoint 2013, Microsoft claims we need to rethink our architecture. Host named site collections are the way to go, and preferably all within the same web application. But what are host named site collections and what do we need to take into account when setting this up? Update. Check out part 2, detailing how to

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[SP2013] Loading scripts using RequireJS

In my previous blogpost I wrote about loading JavaScript files in a SharePoint app. I noted that the order of loading is important and that you can use jQuery to dynamically load the scripts. I also stated that my solution probably was not the prettiest one out there, which was a true fact. Well, here

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