Tag: #SharePoint

SP2010: antivirus exclusions = performance++

Of course every server in your farm should be equipped with antivirus. But without properly configuring your antivirus program, it could become a serious danger to the performance of your SharePoint farm. There are some exclusions you can or rather should make to make sure that antivirus won’t come in the way of performance. To

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SP2010: Custom FBA login form and mobile access

Logging from a mobile device into SharePoint sometimes causes unexpected problems / behaviour. This has different causes, which I want to review here. There are probably more possible problems then I have encountered, so when you know any other goods tips when it comes to mobile use of SharePoint, feel free to leave a comment!

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SP2010: Why are my list items not indexed?

Ok, so we struggled with a little problem which could be a big problem if you don’t know where to look. Imagine you’ve got your site with a couple of lists, but list items aren’t indexed by the search engine. What to do? This post is meant as a quick guide on stuff you should

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SP2010: BCS issue; CalculatePermissionsForCurrentThread

This probably is the last post in my latest BCS series for now, since our project is almost finished 🙂 One of the last hurdles I had to take was an error which only occured in our production environment for some reason (I guess production and test still aren’t similar enough). It occurred when trying

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SP2010: Assembly was requested for LobSystem with Name, but this assembly was not returned

Working my way through BCS, I encountered another error which seems to be pretty undocumented. It’s as follows: Error while executing web part: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to open the specified list item. ---> Microsoft.BusinessData.Infrastructure.BdcException: The shim execution failed unexpectedly - Assembly was requested for LobSystem with Name 'Company.Projects.Contoso.BCSLobSystem', but this assembly was not returned. SystemUtility of

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SP2010: A multi tenant BCS scenario

I’ve done some posts about multi-tenancy and BCS lately, but haven’t combined the two. So todays topic (and no, it’s not a joke…) will be BCS in a multi tenant environment. Mainly because you have some choices to make and I want to provide you with some input on which you might be able to

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SP2010: Exporting site subscriptions in multi tenant setup

I created this little script I wanted to share, which loops though a web application; finds all site subscriptions (for multitenancy) and exports both the sites in there and the settings of the subscription. You could use the result to import the sites again into a test environment (for instance). $url = "http://contoso.com" $share =

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Deploying custom list forms and view modifications

I want to summarize a few steps you need to take to deploy custom list forms (like NewForm.aspx) and view forms (like AllItems.aspx). Not because these things are undocumented, they are, but because I couldn’t find a good article which sums it all up in a neat way. So I’ll give that a shot myself

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Adding custom role definitions and retrieving again as permissions

For a project I’m working on, I needed to make a distinction between user types. Not the default read / write things, which are default of course, but my own set. So I went looking and found the customizable Role Definitions. Basically, a custom role definition adds an option to the ‘manage rights’ section of

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Showing blog posts on other site

I use the blog feature of SharePoint 2010 quite often. It provides a good way of publishing new news items in your organisation. But sometimes, there’s the requirement of displaying your blog messages on a different site, for exmaple the landingpage of your intranet. Well there are a few ways of accomplishing this, but usually

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