SP2013: Offline install fails on prerequisites

For a testfarm, I was preparing a SharePoint 2013 install script today. Because the farm shouldn’t have internet access,  I opted for an offline install. This means you need to download the prerequisites beforehand so they can be installed by the script. So I did and I ran the installer, but it failed on me.

Looking in the logs, I noticed that there was an error installing the WCF Data Service 5.0 prerequisite. In the logs it said things about certificate validation errors, or more specific:

“A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority”.

I ran across this post on TechNet: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointitpropreview/thread/fc3aec98-5c42-4ef8-8d99-64aa8e3213b6. It says you need to download the root certificate updates for Windows Server 2008. I downloaded something which looked like it, but that didn’t fix my problem.

After a lot of downloading and retrying, I decided it was probably easier to allow the server to go online for a little while. And it was. I ran the installer manually after providing the machine with an Internet connection and it suddenly ran without any problems. It seems the certification process autodownloads new root certificated when needed. With those, the checks succeeded and the installer was able to run. Now everything is installing fine again. Cool 🙂

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