Year: 2012

Namespace problems querying with XElement

Today I was working onĀ an old SharePoint 2007 project which heavily uses the SharePoint webservices. That implies using a lot of XML as input and output for those services. At one point I had to extract some info from the XML fragment being returned. The function returned an XElement. This type of object can be

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SP2010: DST issue with alerts

Each time Europe passes the DST dates and goes from summertime to wintertime (as we call it), weird things happen with software. Although you might think they should have this thing down by now, it just keeps on being an issue and causing problems. This year, one of our users reported scheduled alerts not being

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SP2010: Using a Site Definition with a SPWebProvisioningProvider

Today I was working on a SharePoint site which uses a custom Site Definition. Ok, maybe you’ll think “shouldn’t you be using a web template instead? ’cause site definitions suck when you need to update”. You’re right. And therefore we’re only using stapled features to deploy content, and we could as well use a web

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SharePoint: SharePoint to Linq pitfall

Today I came across a dangerous pitfall when working with Linq for SharePoint 2010. For those of you who are not familiar with it; there is a tool called spmetal you can use to generate a Linq DataContext class for your SharePoint site. This works pretty good; you can use the Server Explorer to browse

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