Year: 2012

SP2010: Whoops! I mirrored all of my databases…

So you’re building a SharePoint farm which has to have a high percentage of availability. And to get that, you decide to make your databases highly available by the techniques offered by SQL Server. Think mirroring, or AlwaysOn if you’re using SQL2012. Which technique you’re using doesn’t really matter; you have to realise that this

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Breaching security, the easy way

Today I was fiddling around with Azure once more, this time exploring the capabilities of the Service Bus Relay functionality. That sounds more difficult than it actually is. The scenario comprises of an internal webservice and the wish to make that available through the internet. Many developers will know the troubles this usually gives you. You

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SP2013: Rethink your thinking

These last few days I attended the SharePoint Connections conference in Amsterdam. Okay, it’s not Vegas, but is was cool anyway. Of course there was a lot of cloud, Offfice 365, app model and more of what we already learned from Vegas. But one really big thing was a statement made by multiple speakers. SharePoint began

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Denkt u om uw privacy?

Even een kruising tussen een normale column en m’n techtalk vandaag. Want vandaag wil ik het met u hebben over “The Cloud”. Het is dé hype term van afgelopen jaar in IT land. En zelfs de postbode weet waarschijnlijk wel waar ik het over heb. Want nu tegenwoordig Google in the cloud zit, Apple een iCloud heeft en

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SP2013: Offline install fails on prerequisites

For a testfarm, I was preparing a SharePoint 2013 install script today. Because the farm shouldn’t have internet access,  I opted for an offline install. This means you need to download the prerequisites beforehand so they can be installed by the script. So I did and I ran the installer, but it failed on me. Looking in

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De automaat

Deze week zat ik op een flexplek, achter mijn laptopje te werken. Het leuke aan flexplekken is dat je iedere keer op een andere plek kunt gaan zitten en weer andere mensen tegenkomt. Dat werkt afwisselend en inspirerend, iedereen heeft zo weer zijn eigen nieuwtjes, ideetjes en gewoonten. Mijn plek bevond zich dit keer vlak

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Hey Google, hou eens op.

Al eerder schreef ik over Google’s poging om u het Google+ netwerk op te dringen. U weet wel, de tegenhanger van Facebook waar zoveel van verwacht werd. Maar waar Facebook laatst wist te melden dat er inmiddels 1 miljard actieve gebruikers zijn… 1 miljard… da’s 1 op de 7 mensen ter wereld. Afijn, daar blijft

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My new job!

As found on my website, I recently switched employers. After working for 5 pretty good years at Datamex Breda (in the south region of Holland), I decided it was time to get moving. After all, 5 years at your first company seems to be a pretty long time in todays world, and there’s definitely more out there. So, what

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SP2010: Saving yourself a full SQL license.

As I’m studying for Microsoft SharePoint certifications, I came across the “Remote BLOB Storage” topic. It’s an interesting technique, allowing you to store BLOB files (documents, videos, images, etc.) outside of SQL Server. The main reason why you’d want to do that is performance. SQL doesn’t handle those BLOB things that fast and they fill up

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SP2013: SharePoint hosted app, getting to your lists

As described in my previous post, a SharePoint app gets its own Web instance in which it lives. For the SharePoint engine, that means getting rid of your app is easy: just delete the web and everything is gone. The web gives you the option to deploy regular SharePoint stuff like lists and columns. But

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