Year: 2014

[SP201x] Implementing Kerberos delegation in SharePoint

Kerberos is often perceived as painful to setup and hard to debug. And to be honest: in my opinion it’s not one of the most user friendly techniques out there. But once you get the hang of it, the bigger picture start becoming clear and things get easier. In this article I will explain how

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VirtualBox errors after installing Windows Phone SDK

For my work on SharePoint, I’m running VirtualBox on my Windows 8.1 laptop. Today, after installing the Windows Phone SDK for Visual Studio, those VM’s suddenly would not start any more. The error displayed: "vt-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX)" Uhm ok. What happened? Well, part of the SDK installation is Hyper-V. They use Hyper-v to

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SP2013: back-up failing with “Have tried to perform backup/restore operation twice on all in-sync members”

I ran into an error with back-up procedures on SP2013. The error in the log file was: FaultException: Management called failed with System.InvalidOperationException: 'Job failed: Have tried to perform backup/restore operation twice on all in-sync members in cluster SPe6b9ae739be3.0, but none succeeded. Last failure message: Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Seeding.SnapshotTransferException: Could not send chunk ms\%default\gen.0000000000000309.state: Localpath: [0-700> to target

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[SP2013] Recipe: one SP2013 development machine in Azure

When you are a developer who’s looking for an easy way to create a development machine, this is the post you want to read. Especially when you also have an MSDN subscription lying around somewhere. What we’re going to do is setup a ready to use developer box in Azure. This recipe will require approximately

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[Visual Studio] PresentOn / PresentOff

Today I was looking for my beloved PresentOn / PresentOff option in a fresh install of Visual Studio 2013 update 2. For those of you not familiar with this option; it’s a simple setting (available via quick launch) which transforms VS to a more beamer-friendly lay-out with bigger fonts and such. But… VS was not recognizing

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[SP] RIP SharePoint Developers

Ok. I admit this is a kind of dramatic opening to this blog post and that its contents is probably not as dramatic as you might think. But last week at SharePoint Conference Europe, it finally hit me. The SharePoint developer is no more. Let me explain. We have all heard Microsofts message about SharePoint

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[SP201x] Most common CA errors

A lot of customers often ask me about errors displayed in their Central Administration site. These errors are produced by the Health monitoring jobs in SharePoint, which make sure your servers are in good shape. Of course every administrator should have the goal of elimination these errors, but some of them are hard or even

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SP: Purging document libraries with Powershell

I wanted to purge the contents of a huge document library. Because of the 5000 item limit, using the GUI or explorer view wasn’t posssible any more. There are a couple of scripts out there which can help, based on the ProcessBatchData method to process batches of operations at once. This is often the best

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SP2010: Deleting variation left-overs

Today I was tasked with creating a partial copy of a web. For those kinds of things, I am very glad I can make use of AvePoint DocAve tooling. Deployment manager and Content Manager are great for copying, moving and doing all kinds of other stuff within or between SharePoint farms. Anyway. After copying my

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