Tag: #sp2013

[SP2013] Loading indicator images

Just for my own reference, here is a list of loading indicator images you can use from the _layouts folder. Why there are more than one and they all look different is a very good question by the way, Microsoft should really spend a little bit of time to ensure these become consistent once and

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[SP2013] Host named site collections

With SharePoint 2013, Microsoft claims we need to rethink our architecture. Host named site collections are the way to go, and preferably all within the same web application. But what are host named site collections and what do we need to take into account when setting this up? Update. Check out part 2, detailing how to

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VirtualBox errors after installing Windows Phone SDK

For my work on SharePoint, I’m running VirtualBox on my Windows 8.1 laptop. Today, after installing the Windows Phone SDK for Visual Studio, those VM’s suddenly would not start any more. The error displayed: "vt-x is not available (VERR_VMX_NO_VMX)" Uhm ok. What happened? Well, part of the SDK installation is Hyper-V. They use Hyper-v to

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SP2013: back-up failing with “Have tried to perform backup/restore operation twice on all in-sync members”

I ran into an error with back-up procedures on SP2013. The error in the log file was: FaultException: Management called failed with System.InvalidOperationException: 'Job failed: Have tried to perform backup/restore operation twice on all in-sync members in cluster SPe6b9ae739be3.0, but none succeeded. Last failure message: Microsoft.Ceres.SearchCore.Seeding.SnapshotTransferException: Could not send chunk ms\%default\gen.0000000000000309.state: Localpath: [0-700> to target

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SP2013: SharePoint hosted app, getting to your lists

As described in my previous post, a SharePoint app gets its own Web instance in which it lives. For the SharePoint engine, that means getting rid of your app is easy: just delete the web and everything is gone. The web gives you the option to deploy regular SharePoint stuff like lists and columns. But

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SP2013: The missing designer view in SPD

Today I came across this thead on the forums, started by Marc Anderson; a well known MVP for SharePoint. He mentions the fact that SharePoint Designer 2013 is missing the “design view” known from SPD 2010. As expected, this is getting a lot of people nervous because they’re using the design view on a regular basis,

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SP2013: App deployment within your organisation

In this previous post I talked a bit about the new SharePoint app model. I started playing around with the examples on MSDN and succeeeded in producing an actual working app. Great. All of this is done within a special developer portal (which is well documented in the MSDN getting started articles). You open a

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SP2013: Proxy problems with SharePoint 2013 apps

Ok, a bit sooner as I had expected; but here’s my first tech post on SharePoint 2013. I was trying out some of the examples found on MSDN for creating SharePoint 2013 apps, such as this one: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/SharePoint-2013-Hello-0fd15fbf. I kept on running into several problems; beginning with the infamous “object reference not set to an

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