Year: 2015

[O365] Autocomplete on taxonomy refiners

For a customer project I’m on we’re making use of search to surface pages stored in SharePoint Online. On a predefined search results page, refiners make it easier for users to get to the page they are searching for. Refiners are linked to managed search properties and those are linked to crawled properties. In this

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[O365] Parallel processing and CSOM; friends or foes?

In the project I’ve been working on the last few months, we had to import some list items and file into SharePoint coming from a legacy application which is being replaced by SharePoint Online. There is plenty of guidance available on how to do this, it boils down to using the CSOM API’s to upload

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Waarom ik niet op Lowlands was dit jaar

“Hey, moet jij niet naar Lowlands?”. Afgelopen week weekend was het weer aan in Biddinghuizen. Had ik de afgelopen jaren steevast een kaartje, sloeg ik dit jaar een keertje over. Ben naar Pinkpop geweest, Foo Fighters zouden daar spelen, dan heb je mij al snel om. Goed, geen Foo Fighters gezien omdat Dave Grohl z’n

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[SP] Constructing a “Manage site metadata navigation” link

If you’re aware of Managed Metadata Navigation, you might also know the hyperlink within the navigation settings which allows you to edit the sites’ navigation termset. Now first thing you should know is that that link is often broken out of the box. When you click it, you *should* only get the navigation termset and nothing

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Gold for Experts: certified!

Back in Holland again. Weather is great and I’ve spent the weekend getting some quality time with my girlfriend who’s still working hard trying to finish her study at the University of Leiden (very proud of her already!). A long weekend off was a good idea, allowed to me catch a breath from another busy week in

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Gold for Experts, W03

This week, Atos’ “Gold for Experts” intake three returned to Cambridge. It’s our final week of the program in which we’re due to present our projects to senior management (the CxO’s we’ve been targeting during the program). For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, you can look at my other

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[NL] Mijn antwoord aan een recruiter

Als IT-er heb je qua werkaanbod meestal niet zoveel te klagen. Zeker niet als je ook nog SharePoint op je CV hebt staan, daar is best veel vraag naar. Als SharePointer krijg je dan ook regelmatig mailtjes van recruiters die benieuwd zijn of ik interesse heb in een nieuwe baan. Prima, meestal negeer ik ze

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