Year: 2012

Vodafone en de halve waarheid

Eens in de twee jaar sta ik weer voor een enorme opgave: het kiezen van een nieuwe telefoon. Wellicht denk je “ach, als dat je grootste probleem is…”, gelijk heb je. Maar toch, als gadgetnerd is het gewoon moeilijk om uit al het moois de juiste keuze te maken. Gelukkig zijn er de vrienden van

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Orchard: a first impression

The blog you’re reading right now is powered by WordPress. WordPress is a well known blog engine used for a lot of blogs. But for me, being a Microsoft dude, it’s not that easy extending it and making it my own. That always kept me from creating my entire website in WordPress somehow, never had

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SP2010: Aggregating tasks with search

Ok. This is quite a common scenario. You’ve got your SharePoint site setup which consist of multiple webs, maybe (probably) even multiple site collections. Your user is member of a handfull of sites and get’s tasks assigned. You need your user to stay informed about the tasks he needs to perform. You’ve got a couple

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Windows Phone 8: loving it already!

Not too long ago I wrote a corporate blog post (Dutch) about Windows 8 and why I love the idea. In that same post, I mentioned the great interactivity all Windows devices will get because of the shared core. Today, Microsoft officially anounced that shared core at their Windows Phone 8 conference. Yay! Not going

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SP2010: Restoring MySite Site Administrators

Today we ran into a weird problem. People reported not having access to their personal documents library on their MySite. So I checked, the Personal Documents library ACL was empty for that particular user. But for other users, I noticed where were some entried, just not their own user account and always Limited rights (which

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SP2010: Deleting old BDC invalid BDC column from list

One of our environments is one that was upgraded from MOSS 2007. In that transition, BDC changed to BCS and we didn’t really take care of that because we weren’t using BDC that much. One of the lists got migrated and stopped working, but because it was in a dark alley on our SharePoint site,

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