Year: 2013

Things Windows should have

I’ve been using Windows 8.1 for quite a while now (since the beta), and I like still it very much. I’ve expanded my Windows landscape with a Surface tablet, and already had a Windows Phone (two, actually). The fact that the same OS runs on all is a cool thing which makes adopting it easier.

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Column: God of the road

Voor mijn baan zat ik het afgelopen jaar vrij veel in de auto. Op zich heb ik daar, op de vervelende files na dan, helemaal geen probleem mee. Sterker nog, zo’n ritje is soms wel fijn om je gedachten weer even op nul te zetten. Radio of Spotify aan, lekker meeblèren, heerlijk! Toch kan autorijden

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SP2013: Hiding the ribbon in dialog view

Today I was working on a page which is displayed in a dialog view. Trimming SharePoint bits and pieces is easily done by adding IsDlg=1 to the querystring of the page. But… this does not hide the ribbon. Ok, so how to hide the ribbon too then, when required? There’s a simple piece of CSS

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SP2010: Using the content type hub across web applications

The Enterprise Content Hub (ECH) is a SharePoint mechanism which allows us to reuse / distribute content types across multiple site collections. Normally, a site content type (what’s in a name), is bound to the site collection in which it was defined. Actually, when defining a content type on a lower level (subsite), it can only

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Removing a Nintex workflow content database

When using Nintex as a workflow engine, you can create multiple content databases and associate them with your web applications and / or site collections. One reason you might want to do this is back-up and restore. When you want to team up your workflow status with the items you’re restoring, you only have the

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Column: Facebook etiquette

Ik heb een prima opvoeding gehad, vind ik zelf. Natuurlijk; als puber vind je sommige regeltjes te idioot voor woorden. Bovendien ben je er heilig van overtuigd dat je het later zelf héél anders gaat aanpakken. Ik ook. Maar achteraf gezien was dat allemaal zo slecht nog niet. Ik mag mezelf wel beleefd noemen geloof ik (mag

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Column: Automatisering? We schieten er niks mee op.

Ik heb het al eens eerder gehad over de automatisering. Niet zo raar, aangezien dat mijn vakgebied is. Het is een interessant woord: automatisering. Als je het letterlijk neemt staat er dat we dingen “meer automatisch maken”. En meer automatisch betekent als het goed is: minder werk. Toch? Zo hebben we de afgelopen jaren enorm

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“Content type is in use” when editing Document Set

I ran into a weird problem today, when editing a document set. I created my own content type inheriting from the default Document Set. I added a new content type to the set and wanted to delete the default “Document” reference. I got an error telling me: “Content Type is in use”. Strange, since I

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SP2013: Display multiple lines in the Pages (search) webpart

In SharePoint 2013, rolling up content has changed a lot. The Content Query Web Part is gone, which in my opinion is a GREAT thing. There are some new webparts to replace it, which are based on search. One of those webparts is the Pages webpart. You can use that to show an overview of pages.

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