Year: 2013

SP2010: Administrators and permissions

At my current job, I’m more of an administrator than I am a dev. It’s quite enlightening to be honest. As a developer, you don’t tend to think that much about site structure, governance and all those things. Not that I had no experience in that, but I surely have learned some things extra since

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SP2010: The hidden TaxonomyStaplerFeature

I am a big fan of keeping things clean. The more you clutter, the more chance of faults you might not have expected. Today, I learned that sometimes cleaner is not better. I like using the blank site template to create new sites. Most people tend to use the team site, but that already has

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Column: Sapstromen

Een paar weken terug hoorde ik voor ‘t eerst over sapstromen. Het schijnt dat planten die nodig hebben om blaadjes te krijgen en in de winter doen ze het dus blijkbaar niet. Het was een paar dagen lekker weer en meteen verwachtte heel Nederland dat zijn of haar tuintje wel in volle bloei zou staan. Niks

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WCF service using Azure relay and ADFS authentication (2/2)

In the second part of this article (read part 1 here), we’re going to extend our relayed service with AD (Active Directory) authentication. In most cases you’ll need authentication to provide some security for your business data. In this example, we’re keeping it simple; just using a valid domain account to access the data. All

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WCF service using Azure relay and ADFS authentication (1/2)

What I’m going to write about in this two-part article is what could be considered quite a common scenario. Your company wants to expose data to its employees outside of the internal network. Take a mobile app (or Windows 8 app) for instance, which gets its data from a legacy back-end system. In “old fashioned”

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Installing a windows service with Visual Studio 2012

Since Visual Studio 2012, the default installer project was switched for a limited edition of InstallShield. I won’t get into the discussion whether this was a step forward or backward, but it’s there. When you’re building an installer for Windows Service, you might get stuck in the situation where the installer is deploying your files

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SP2010: Errors in content deployment

This is a topic which comes up more then once when you’re working with the content deployment feature. For those of you unfamiliar with content deployment; it’s basically a process to import and export a site collection in an automated way, across farms if you like to. But content deployment is a tricky process in

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Goedkoop is duurkoop?

Ik heb de laatste tijd weer wat spulletjes gekocht. Eens in de zoveel tijd is het weer zover, dan komt die behoefte naar boven. En hoewel ik me soms wel eens laat verleiden tot minder briljante aankopen moet ik zeggen dat de meeste euro’s toch goed besteed worden. Weinig spijt, tot nu toe… Ik weeg m’n

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Auto SP Solution Installer

Update 01-02-2013 As seen below in Matthias his reaction, there is already a similar project on Codeplex which I’ve clearly overlooked. I’m currently seeing if we could join forces (although their project is already very mature). So the Auto SP Solution Installer might have a short lifetime and merge into Today I published my

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Aan alle Prius rijders

Afgelopen week was er in de media veel te lezen over dit bericht: ‘Groene’ auto vaak niet zo zuinig (via NOS). Ik had even het idee dat ik een déjà-vu had. En terecht! Tik op google maar eens “zuinige auto niet zo zuinig” in (of klik hier). Genoeg berichtjes uit 2010 en eerder die over

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